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10 Simple Morning Habits for a Healthier Day

While easier said than done, starting your day with a purposeful routine can set the tone for success, health, and overall well-being. Incorporating simple, science-backed habits into your morning can improve focus, reduce stress, and enhance your physical and mental health. For this article, I've rounded up 10 simple morning habits for a healthier day, but please note that incorporating 10 habits is a lot of work.

The point of this article isn't to tell you to complete 10 habits each and every morning, that's a full-time job in itself! My goal here is to highlight 10 habits that are useful for creating productive, successful days. It's ultimately your job to decide which habits you can incorporate into a routine. So, with that said, here are 10 morning habits that can help you start each day with energy and intention.

1. Wake Up Early and Consistently

Women in bed waking up
Waking Up Consistently Can Set You Up for Success

Why It Works: 

Waking up early and consistently helps regulate your body’s internal clock - your circadian rhythm while improving sleep quality and daytime alertness. Establishing a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends, aligns your body with natural light cycles, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up. It also provides more time for morning habits that promote productivity and well-being.

How to Incorporate: 

Gradually adjust your wake-up time by 10-15 minutes each day until you reach your desired time. Avoid using the snooze button, as fragmented sleep can reduce alertness and energy levels. I know, this is easier said than done... You can also use a gentle alarm, such as a sunrise alarm clock, to help ease into waking up earlier. I personally use this one from Hatch, which doubles as a white noise machine - big fan of it.

2. Get Sunlight Exposure

man watching sunrise over the ocean
Morning Sun Exposure is Key To a Successful Day

Why It Works

Exposure to natural light within the first hour of waking helps regulate your circadian rhythm—the body’s internal clock that controls sleep-wake cycles. Morning sunlight exposure helps signal to your brain that it's daytime, boosting serotonin levels, which enhances mood, focus, and energy throughout the day. According to Andrew Huberman, even just 10-30 minutes of morning sunlight can help reset your circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed.

If direct sunlight isn't available, or you live somewhere that doesn't get a lot of sun, use a light therapy lamp that mimics natural daylight. Living in Seattle, where it rains 8 months of the year, I use this lamp to help regulate my circadian rhythm.

How to Incorporate:

Spend 10-30 minutes outdoors in natural sunlight as soon as possible after waking up. If it's sunny, 10 minutes is sufficient. If it is cloudy, you'll want to spend closer to 30 minutes outside. It's important to note that getting sun exposure through a window - like a bedroom window or car windshield does not have the same benefits as getting outside.

3. Hydrate with Water Before Caffeine (And Delay Caffeine Consumption)

Mason jar full of water
Hydrate before you dehydrate

Why It Works: 

Drinking water first thing in the morning is crucial! After 6-8 hours of sleep, our bodies are naturally dehydrated. Proper hydration helps jump-start your metabolism, aids digestion, and flushes out toxins that have accumulated overnight. Hydrating before consuming anything else balances the lymphatic and digestive systems, which can enhance nutrient absorption and metabolism throughout the day.

Bonus Tip!

Delay caffeine consumption for at least 90 minutes after waking. I know this is a challenging one... According to neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, delaying caffeine intake allows the body’s natural production of cortisol to peak, which can help you feel more alert naturally. Drinking coffee too early can interfere with this process and lead to a midday energy crash. I've tested this theory and it does work. Whenever I delay caffeine consumption 60-90 minutes after waking, I notice an increase in my overall focus and productivity. While I can't always delay coffee time, I do try my best to adhere to this tip!

How to Incorporate: 

Fill your coffee cup, mug, or water bottle with water first before anything else! It's that simple. Aim for at least 8-12 ounces of water to start your day.

4. Practice Mindful Breathing or Meditation

A women sitting cross legged meditating
Meditation can reduce stress and enhance focus

Why It Works:

Meditation and mindfulness help reduce stress, increase focus, and improve emotional regulation. By calming the mind and fostering a sense of peace, these practices help you start your day with clarity and intention. Regular mindfulness practice has been linked to numerous health benefits, including reduced anxiety and improved mental health.

How to Incorporate: 

Start with a simple 5-minute breathing exercise or guided meditation. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer short, beginner-friendly sessions that can be easily integrated into your morning routine. Personally, I'm a big fan of the Calm app for their daily meditations and sleep stories.

5. Engage in Physical Movement

a workout class being hosted outside
Get that blood flowing in the morning!

Why It Works: 

Engaging in physical activity in the morning boosts endorphins, the body’s natural "feel-good" chemicals, which can improve mood and energy levels for the rest of the day. Morning exercise also increases circulation, enhances brain function, and supports a healthy metabolism. Even just 5-10 minutes of stretching, yoga, or light cardio can be enough to stimulate your body and mind.

Bonus Tip

Incorporate this physical movement with your morning sunlight exposure! Whether it's a quick jog or a brisk walk, getting your blood flowing paired with early sunlight exposure is a sure thing to set you up for success throughout the day, and it can help you get a good night's sleep.

6. Practice Gratitude

a pink gratitude journal
Gratitude can bring you a whole new perspective on the day

Why It Works: 

Starting your day with gratitude or journaling can help set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Practicing gratitude has been shown to increase happiness, reduce stress, and improve mental health by focusing on the positives in life. Journaling can help you process emotions, clear your mind, and set daily intentions, leading to a more focused and intentional day.

How to Incorporate: 

Keep a gratitude journal or a daily planner by your bedside and jot down three things you're grateful for each morning. This simple habit can rewire your brain to focus on the positive aspects of your life! If you don't feel like writing, or if that seems too daunting, you can try saying three things out loud instead. This simple practice can positively impact your mood and perspective throughout the day.

7. Fuel Your Body with a Nutritious Protein-Rich Breakfast

A fried egg on avocado toast
Start with Protein!

Why It Works:

Consuming a protein-rich breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reduces cravings, and keeps you full for longer. Protein is crucial for muscle repair and growth and supports neurotransmitter production, which can impact your mood and cognitive function. Eating protein in the morning can prevent mid-morning energy crashes that are common with high-carb breakfasts like sugary cereals.

How to Incorporate: 

Prepare a breakfast that includes a balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates—like eggs with avocado and whole-grain toast or a smoothie with greens, fruits, and protein powder.

8. Plan and Prioritize Your Day

A women writing in a planner
Planning for the day can boost productivity

Why It Works: 

Setting daily intentions helps to create a sense of purpose and direction, allowing you to focus on your most important tasks and goals. This practice can help reduce feelings of overwhelm, enhance productivity, and improve time management by prioritizing what truly matters. Research shows that people who set clear goals are more likely to achieve them and feel more satisfied.

How to Incorporate:

Write down 1-3 top priorities for the day in a planner or on a sticky note and keep it visible throughout the day to stay on track. If preferred, this can also be done at night to set you up for success on the following day.

9. Limit Digital Distractions

An iphone sitting on a table
Try to avoid screen time for 30 minutes after waking

Why It Works: 

Checking your phone or computer immediately after waking can flood your mind with information and stress, leading to anxiety spikes and a lack of focus. Limiting screen time in the morning allows you to start your day calmly and mindfully, without distractions. This practice helps preserve mental clarity and prevents dopamine-driven behavior that can negatively impact productivity.

How to Incorporate: 

Set a rule to avoid checking your phone or computer for the first 30 minutes of your day. Use this time for other productive or mindful activities, like sun exposure, morning exercise, or everyone's favorite... cold showers!

If you do need to check your phone right away in the morning,

10. Cold Exposure or Cold Showers

water coming out of a shower head
Cold showers are a great way to start the day

Why It Works:

Cold exposure triggers a hormonal response in your body, releasing norepinephrine, which can improve focus, alertness, and mood. This practice also reduces inflammation and can help strengthen your immune system. Starting your day with a cold shower or splashing your face with cold water can increase blood circulation and help you feel more awake.

How to Incorporate: This habit could easily be roped in with morning exercise and sun exposure. After your 10 minutes of outdoor exercise, add in a brief cold shower. Start with a quick 30-second cold rinse at the end of your shower and gradually increase the duration as you get used to the sensation. Trust me, you'll be feeling like you can take on the world after stepping out of the cold.

10 Habits for a Healthier Day -Final Thoughts

Incorporating these 10 simple morning habits can help set the tone for a healthier, more productive day. As I mention in the intro, the goal here isn't to add all 10 of these habits into your routine. Start by adding one or two of these habits to your routine and gradually build up to more. Remember, consistency is key—the best morning routine for success is one that you can maintain and enjoy!

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Sierra Lifestyle

Hi, I'm Connor - a big skier who's had his share of life-altering injuries. I've turned my passion for the mountains into a lifestyle blog where I talk about outdoor adventures, injury prevention and recovery, and life hacks. Let me inspire you with stories, photos, and advice. 

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